Fund Watch
All of Kiplinger’s Fund Watch content can be found here. Find the latest news and gain more knowledge about Fund Watch.
Kiplinger 25 Model Portfolios
The Kiplinger 25 Reach your investment goals with these plans using the Kiplinger 25, our favorite no-load mutual funds.
By Nellie S. Huang • Last updated
The 12 Best Bear Market ETFs to Buy Now
ETFs Investors who are fearful about the more uncertainty in the new year can find plenty of protection among these bear market ETFs.
By Kyle Woodley • Published
Wasatch Emerging Markets Small Cap Goes Its Own Way
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets This emerging-markets stock fund isn't afraid to stray from the pack.
By Nellie S. Huang • Last updated
Don't Give Up on the Eurozone
mutual funds As Europe’s economy (and stock markets) wobble, Janus Henderson European Focus Fund (HFETX) keeps its footing with a focus on large Europe-based multinationals.
By Rivan V. Stinson • Published
10 Bond Funds to Buy Now
Investing for Income Bond funds have seen sizable losses so far this year, but yields are now rising to attractive levels for income-starved investors.
By Adam Shell • Published
Vanguard Global ESG Select Stock Profits from ESG Leaders
mutual funds Vanguard Global ESG Select Stock (VEIGX) favors firms with high standards for their businesses.
By Rivan V. Stinson • Published
Kip ETF 20: What's In, What's Out and Why
Kip ETF 20 The broad market has taken a major hit so far in 2022, sparking some tactical changes to Kiplinger's lineup of the best low-cost ETFs.
By Nellie S. Huang • Published
ETFs Are Now Mainstream. Here's Why They're So Appealing.
Investing for Income ETFs offer investors broad diversification to their portfolios and at low costs to boot.
By Nellie S. Huang • Published
Do You Have Guns in Your Funds?
ESG Investors looking to make changes amid gun violence can easily divest from gun stocks ... though it's trickier if they own them through funds.
By Ellen Kennedy • Published